Saturday, 3 February 2018

Should i restart this blog?

at the moment i haven't really been wanting to post on this blog thinking it wasnt very good or too time consuming but now i know i would and can concentrate on a blog,there will be a few options for you to choose which i can blog:

a BACC (build a city challenge)
a prosperity challenge
a legacy challenge
just generally playing in a hood.
possibly an i'm surrounded by idiots challenge?
asylum challenge maybe?
the apocalypse challenge
or maybe do a series of showcasing my current hoods?
a test of time challenge

its up to you readers,pick wisely


  1. I am not familiar with most of the challenges you mention here, but the BACC sounds interesting. My second favourite is to just generally play a hood, preferably with Maxis-made families :-)

  2. thanks for commenting! i think a BACC is one of the top three i'd like to do.

    i'll give it till next week or so to decide which one i'll do.
